Inhalant allergies, also known as airborne allergies or atopy in dogs, can occur in any breed of dog and at any age. While some dogs may suffer from this type of allergy year-round, others may only suffer when there is a large amount of pollen, dust or mold in the air. In any case, if you think that your pet may be suffering from atopy, the following information can help you understand the condition.
Symptoms of Inhalant Allergies in Dogs
Although humans typically experience respiratory symptoms when they develop inhalant allergies, dogs usually display allergic reactions through their skin and coats. While the symptoms your pet will experience may vary from that of another dog, some of the most common symptoms of inhalant allergies in dogs are listed below:
- Intense Scratching of the Body
- Chewing of the Paws
- Rubbing Face on the Carpet/Rug
- Hair Loss and/or Dull Coat
- Foul-Smelling and/or Oily Skin
- Skin Inflammation
- Watery Eyes
Typical Treatments for Atopy in Dogs
The treatment that your dog will need if it is suffering from an inhalant allergy will depend on the severity of its condition and whether or not it can be determined what is triggering the allergy. If your vet is able to pinpoint the trigger, hyposensitization therapy may help.
This treatment involves giving your pet injections of the allergens that are triggering its allergy. Corticosteroids and/or antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce itching. Bathing your pet in lukewarm water with medicated anti-itch dog shampoo may help relieve some of its allergy symptoms as well.
Breeds Most Vulnerable to Atopy
Although any breed of dog can suffer from inhalant allergies, there are a few breeds that seem to be more vulnerable to the condition. Additionally, dogs of any age or gender have been known to develop airborne allergies. Nevertheless, you will find some of the breeds that are most vulnerable to the condition listed here:
- Scottish and West Highland White Terriers
- Dalmatians
- Cairn and Wire-Haired Fox Terriers
- Lhasa Apsos
- Irish Setters and Retriever Breeds
- Miniature Schnauzers and English Bulldogs
- Boston Terriers and Pugs
With spring comes a variety of health issues for canines. Some of the most common of these problems are inhalant allergies in dogs. There are many things that can trigger airborne allergies in dogs including pollen, household dust and mold spores. However, if you seek some of the treatments for your pet as described above, you can help it to have an itch-free season.