Pet Insurance Glossary

Our pet insurance glossary

  • Accident
  • Administrator
  • Alternative Therapy
  • Behavioral Problem
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Condition
  • Conformational Defect
  • Cured
  • End of Life Expenses
  • Hereditary, Genetic, or Congenital Condition
  • Illness
  • Incident
  • Incident Limit
  • Injury
  • Occur or Occurrence
  • Pet
  • Policy Period
  • Pre-Existing Condition
  • Usual and Customary Costs
  • Symptom
  • Treatment
  • Wellness Care

Accident A sudden, unexpected or unintended action or event with a specific time and place that results in Injury to your pet.

Administrator The company administering the policy.

Alternative Therapy Treatment or medication that does not generally fall within the realm of conventional veterinary medicine including but not limited to the following types of therapy: acupuncture, chiropractic, holistic, homeopathic, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy or rehabilitative.

Behavioral Problem A condition, either social or medical, that results from your pet’s action, inaction, or temperament that is abnormal, dysfunctional, or unusual, such as but not limited to aggression, excessive chewing or licking, or separation anxiety. Learn more about other common behavior problems here.

Behavioral Therapy Prescription medication, treatment, training, or behavioral modification training aide(s) that is used to treat a behavioral problem.

Condition Illness, disease, injury or change to your pet’s health that may or may not show symptoms or have been diagnosed (including but not limited to diagnosed or un-diagnosed pre-existing, hereditary or congenital conditions). Visit our health conditions library!

Conformational Defect Any abnormality in your pet’s physical form or structure.

Covered Expenses Usual and customary costs for expenses that are eligible for coverage under your policy.

Cured The point at which a pet is free from a condition.

End of Life Expenses Means the expenses for euthanasia and cremation.

Hereditary, Genetic, or Congenital Condition Illness, defect, disorder or disease that is present from birth, inherited by your pet or to which your pet is predisposed through hereditary or genetic factors. A list of these conditions is available upon request.

Illness Any sickness, disease or medical condition not caused by an accident or injury, or behavioral problem.

Incident All treatments for a condition including related, secondary or resultant conditions regardless of whether the condition requires multiple treatments.

Incident Limit Maximum amount payable during the policy period for all covered expenses that result from one incident.

Injury Bodily harm caused by an Accident while this policy is in force.

Occur or Occurrence When signs or symptoms related to a condition first become obvious, including when your dog or cat first shows signs or symptoms related to a condition that a veterinarian could have diagnosed or treated.

Pet Dog or cat described on the declarations page that you own and that resides with you.

Policy Period The period of coverage as specified on your declarations page.

Pre-Existing Condition Illness, disease, injury or change to Your Pet’s health which first occurs or shows symptoms: a) before coverage is effective b) during a waiting period c) before the current policy period.

This includes conditions that are related to, secondary or, resultant from a pre-existing condition.

Usual and Customary Costs Typical fees or costs that like veterinarians charge based on available veterinary fee information and proprietary data.

Symptom Any change in Your pet’s state of health, normal function, behavior or appearance. Visit our Symptoms Checker for more information.

Treatment Care that Your veterinarian administers. This includes but is not limited to anesthesia, consultations, examinations, hospitalization, laboratory tests, nursing, MRI or CT scans, surgery and X-rays.

Wellness Care Treatment or diagnostics that are customarily considered preventive in nature where there is no underlying Illness or Injury, may include but is not limited to wellness examinations, coronavirus vaccines, canine distemper (also referred to as “DHLPP” for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvo, and parainfluenza) or feline distemper (also referred to as “FVRCP” for feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia) combination vaccines or titers, fecal tests, heartworm tests, rabies vaccines, spaying or neutering, bordetella vaccines, dental cleaning, feline infectious peritonitis vaccines, feline leukemia tests and vaccines, canine lyme disease vaccines, flea and heartworm preventive medications, and microchipping.

*Pet owners in New York get a pro-rated refund.

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