Stress In Dogs Emotional

Dogs are naturally sensitive creatures and can easily become emotionally stressed based upon their surroundings. Stress in dogs is most commonly noted when there is some type of change in their environment. Stress in dogs is fairly common as there are many changes in our, the pet parents’, lives.

Occasional stress is not a reason to be concerned; it is when the stress becomes a permanent part of your dog’s life when you should worry. Just as when we are stressed for long periods of time, dogs may also experience health conditions when exposed to long periods of stress and tension. Resistance to illness will decline, for example, when exposed to long periods of stress.

Signs of Stress in Dogs and Symptoms

How will you know if your dog is stressed? The most common sign is using the bathroom inappropriately. Your dog may begin soiling your home. Your dog may also appear unusually irritable. She may begin snapping, growling or exhibiting another type of irritable behavior when exposed to stressful conditions.

Solving the Problem

How to calm a stressed dog ? There are many reasons your dog may be stressed. The most common reasons including separation anxiety or boredom. The best way to relieve the stress caused by separation anxiety or boredom? Time! Spending time with your dog will decrease their stress level significantly if they are experiencing these problems. Learn more about separation anxiety in puppies here.

Time spent with your dog will also assist you in bonding with him. In addition to your dog being happier, research has proven people who have a bond with their dog are happier and live longer lives with less medical problems!

Amber Johnson, Animal Behaviorist

Miss Amber Johnson has many years of experience with pets and is a licensed cat and dog nutrition and behavior specialist. She currently collaborates with PetPremium where she counsels clients in pet behavior and nutrition. The statements made in this article are the personal opinions of Miss Amber Johnson and based on independent experiences and could be different from the opinions of PetPremium Pet health Insurance or any other pet health insurance provider.

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