Kansas Ks

Whether you live in Wichita or Topeka, pet owners all over Kansas have discovered the benefit of Kansas pet insurance.

Reasons to Consider Pet Insurance in Kansas

Pet insurance helps you prepare for the unexpected, like injuries from tornados. Tornadoes are a natural weather phenomenon that can occur anywhere at any time during a severe storm. Keeping you and your four-legged family safe is incredibly important. Read how to keep your pet safe during natural disasters and follow these tips to keep your pet safe:

  • Bring Your Pet Inside If at all possible, bring your pet inside the storm shelter with you. It is very likely that your pet will get lost or injured if you leave them behind during an evacuation. Even pets that are chained up have a tendency to become removed from your possession during a storm.
  • Pet Identification Every pet should wear a collar or some form of identification. This information should include a telephone number, your pet’s name, and your name. Consider micro-chipping your pets so that you can track them during an emergency.
  • Pet Supplies Keep an ample supply of your pet’s preferred food and plenty of drinking water. If you have a cat, an extra litter box and some litter would be beneficial.
  • Illnesses Pets are more likely to get sick or injured during a natural disaster. Contact with other animals, crowds of people, unclean conditions, and severe weather can assist in your pet becoming ill. According to the Center for Disease Control, rabies, ringworms, and Leptospirosis are the diseases most frequently transmitted during a natural disaster.
  • How to act Your pet is most likely just as afraid, if not more, and may not be able to comprehend what is happening. Be gentle with your pet and try to keep your dog on a leash. If your pet is showing symptoms of injury or illness, take him/her to the veterinarian right away.

What to do after the storm? In the event that you have to evacuate with your pet, take its emergency supplies with you as local stores and business might be closed. In addition, keep your pets leashed or in its kennel. Your pet might become disoriented and anxious as the familiar smells and landmarks known to your pet might be gone.

It is also very important to be patient with your pet. Pets like order and stability, so the quicker you can get them back to their routine the better. If your pet begins to display behavioral problems, or other health problems talk to your vet for guidance. Just like us, pets may behave badly when stressed.

More About Pet Insurance in Kansas

For more information about Kansas pet insurance visit PetPremium.com and learn more about this industry in our pet insurance guide.

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